Turkey Apple Breakfast Sausage


1 lb. Ground Turkey (or Textured Soy Protein)

1 Apple, diced

½ cup Onion, diced

1 Egg

1 tbsp. Sage

1 tbsp. Fennel Seeds

2 tbsp. Olive Oil

Add: Salt and Pepper

Heat 1 tbsp. of the olive oil in a fry pan.  Sauteé the apple and onion until softened.  Meanwhile mix the ground turkey, egg and spices in a bowl.  Once the apple and onion is softened, mix in with the ground turkey mixture.  Form into small patties.  Sauteé until browned on both sides with the remaining olive oil.  Can also be baked if this is preferred.

This recipe is part of my Healthy Habits Tracker Book. For more awesome recipes like this one, click Here.

Theresa DeLorenzo
Breakfast Lentil Strata


1 tbsp. Smart Balance

4 cups Whole Wheat Bread, cubed

1 cup Cooked or Canned Lentils

1 Apple, diced

1/2 cup Raisins or Craisins (these are rich in iron!)

1/2 cup Oats

1/4 cup Walnuts

1/4 cup Almonds

1/4 cup Pecans

1/4 cup Flax Seeds

3 Eggs

1/2 cup Vanilla Soy Milk

2 tbsp. Honey

1/2 cup Vanilla or Pumpkin Greek Yogurt

Add: Salt and Cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and coat a glass baking dish with Smart Balance. Combine Bread, Lentils, Apple, Raisins, Oats, Almonds, Walnuts and Flax Seeds in a large bowl. In a separate bowl, combine the Eggs, Milk, Honey, Cinnamon and Salt and mix well with a whisk. Pour the Milk Mixture over the Bread Mixture and mix thoroughly until all of the Bread cubes are moistened. Evenly spread the mixture into the glass baking sheet and top with pecans. Bake for approximately 30 minutes or until the center is cooked.

Cool for five minutes and serve over Greek Yogurt. Vanilla or Pumpkin works great!

Theresa DeLorenzo